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Fried Salmon (Saumon Poêlé) with Herbs Butter

very simple recipe 30min recipe servings 4 read the post


For the salmon:

- 1 salmon steak

- 1 spoon of olive oil

- Salt and Black pepper


For the butter:

- 125g of soft butter

- 1 bunch of tarragon

- 2 shallots finely chopped

- 1 spoon of capers

- 1 crushed clove of garlic

Start to make the butter: chop the bunch of tarragon and mix it with the soft butter, in a bowl.

Chop the shallots and add them in the bowl with the capers and the garlic.

Add salt, pepper and terragon and mix well everything. Put the preparation mixture in a piece of clear plastic wrap to create a cylindrical shape.

Then, let the butter in the refrigerator during 10 minutes.
Now prepare the salmon. Put it in a hot pan with olive oil,

salt and pepper, and cook during 3-4 minutes on each side.
Serve the salmon with the butter, and choose some green vegetables to go with this recipe (spinach for example). Serve warm.

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